Flaptop Introduction June 21, 2012eric This is a bag we have been working on for a few years now, and it is finally available in the store. It has a huge weatherproof main compartment, plus...
Photo bag and Default bag changes June 09, 2012eric The Ultimate Photographers bag, Prime, and MKII, plus the Default bag all have some new upgrades. We have been working on a detachable waist strap for a while now--and we...
Motorsport Edition Transit June 04, 2012eric ILE Transit bag in the BMW Motorsport colors. Sending a couple bags to Munich Evolution in Seattle for display alongside some fine German cars. Also available through the online store....
Digital Camo May 25, 2012eric Made some headway into slicing up our roll of US Made(as always!) 1000 Denier ACU Digital Camo (our recommendation // Digital camo looks best paired with red or black liner)...
New finishing tape stickers May 13, 2012eric Send your mailing address to eric@ILEquipment.com for a couple stickers
Custom Default MOLLE packs April 25, 2012eric Some custom Default MOLLE packs we did recently. Also working on some Coyote Tan MOLLE packs--more soon!
New Amsterdam Bike Show April 24, 2012eric ILE is heading to NY for the New Amsterdam bike show--if you are in the area come check us out!
Civia Loring Rackbag April 20, 2012eric Custom rackbag we did to fit the Civia Loring--with pockets on the sides, as well as reflective trim around perimeter--this is light grey with dark grey on the pockets. Enjoy...
Blue Lug visit April 06, 2012eric Last week on a visit to Tokyo, I got the chance to check out the Blue Lug bike shop. It is a great shop in the Shibuya/Hatagaya area, where there...
Tokyo Visit March 12, 2012eric ILE will be closed from March 20-March 31 We will continue to respond to emails, but shipping will not resume until April 2nd. Thanks for your patience!
Pass & Stow // Velo Orange Rackbag March 10, 2012eric The latest rackbag designed around the increasingly popular porteur racks built by Pass & Stow and Velo Orange. -Durable 1000D Cordura exterior and weatherproof Vinyl interior -Rear facing pockets are...